Kisa Quality Comments Task
This week we have been learning how to write positive blog comments on movies from the Manaiakalani film festival.
My speech
Hi my name is Kisa and that right there is my video where I did my speech.for my speech I chose to talk about why be should end animal abuse. the speech I did was was all about animal to be honest I was really nervous yea so that is all ok thank you for seeing my blog ok byeeeee
My Inquiry movie
Hi my name is Kisa and for this term me and my group we learnt how to do double butch. I think that me and my group did pretty good we all learnt how to do it and over all we had fun.
the end
Units of Measurement – Length
hi my name is Kisa and today we learnt how to accurately measure length and concert between units and my low light and my challenge was it was not that hard it pretty easy
Measuring length
Hello this week in maths we have been learning about measuring length. I have learnt that
- 1cm = 10mm
- Kilo means 1000
- Standard units for length are millimetre,centimetre metre and kilometre
- Estimate means a close enough guess
- When measuring with a ruler it is important to start at 0