Month: May 2024

Kisa my highlights from Kauaeranga christian camp.

Talofa lava, and greetings to you all. My name is Kisa. I am a year 8 student.  I will be talking to you about our year 8 camp, because we went to Kauaeranga christian camp. 


When we arrived at camp we met Shane and he introduced himself, and the other owners who have worked there. Shane also went over some rules. Then we started to unpack the buses. When we finished unpacking we got shown our cabins and we unpacked our bags and made our bed. 


After that we did our first 2 rotations. My group’s name was Kauaeranga A. Our first rotation we did was paintball. With Mrs Haare (And I had so much fun and liked how me and my team worked together) On our second rotation, we did Archery which is (bow and arrow).


On the 2nd day we did more rotations, the rotations were flying fox with the low ropes, go carts with axe throwing , BMX bikes with the jiggers and gym games. My favourite activity was the flying fox with the low ropes because there was also this activity where we had to try and get a tire off the tall pole and put it back on.

On the final day everyone started packing their bags and cleaning their cabins. After we all finished, we went to our final activity, my group and I’s final rotation was the air rifles. I enjoyed the air rifles because I hit 4 cans and it was kinda challenging but really fun at the

On the final day everyone started packing their bags and cleaning their cabins. After we all finished, we went to our final activity, my group and I’s final rotation was the air rifles. I enjoyed the air rifles because I hit 4 cans and it was kinda challenging but really fun at the same time.


My highlight from the camp was getting to know my group and playing on the trampoline with my friends.